Computer Organization...
Thursday, October 13, 2005
  Associative memory
Two Mark questions

1. What is associative memory (or) what is content addressable memory?
The memory unit in which the storage locations are identified by their contents or by part of their contents rather than by position is associative memory
The memory unit accessed by content of data itself is called associative memory (or) content addressable memory

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of associative memory?
Advantages: This is suitable for parallel searches. It is also used where search time needs to be short
Disadvantages : This is expensive than RAM, as each cell must have storage capability and logical circuits for matching its content with external argument

3. What are the uses of argument register; key register and match register in associative memory?
Argument register-It holds the external argument, which needs to be searched.
Key register -This specifies which part of the argument word needs to be compared with words in memory. If all bits in register are 1, The entire word should be compared. Otherwise, only the bits having k-bit set to 1 will be compared.
Match Register- This has one bit for each word in memory. The corresponding bit will be set to 1, if it is matching

4. Draw the block diagram of associative memory (or) Draw the hardware organization of associative memory (2)

Other Questions………

1. Draw the logical diagram for the internal organization of a cell in associative memory (4)
2. How match logic compare the argument register word with memory word? (6)
3. Explain about read operation in associative memory (4)
4. Explain about write operation in associative memory (8)

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